الاسلام بكل لغات العالم Islam in all languages of the

السلام عليكم ورحمته الله وبركاته
مرحبا بكم في
منتدي (( الإسلام ديننا...العربية لغتنا. ))(((((( اذكروا الله))))))
((((O nation of Islam, Congregational in the love of God and the Messenger of God))))
المنتدي مفتوح للجميع في سبيل الله

وجزاكم الله كل الخير

قـال الله تعالى

( حتى إذا جاء أحدهـم الموت قال رب ارجعون لعلي أعمـل صالحاً فيما تركت..)

اشهد ان لا اله الا الله محمد رسول الله

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الاسلام بكل لغات العالم Islam in all languages of the

السلام عليكم ورحمته الله وبركاته
مرحبا بكم في
منتدي (( الإسلام ديننا...العربية لغتنا. ))(((((( اذكروا الله))))))
((((O nation of Islam, Congregational in the love of God and the Messenger of God))))
المنتدي مفتوح للجميع في سبيل الله

وجزاكم الله كل الخير

قـال الله تعالى

( حتى إذا جاء أحدهـم الموت قال رب ارجعون لعلي أعمـل صالحاً فيما تركت..)

اشهد ان لا اله الا الله محمد رسول الله

الاسلام بكل لغات العالم Islam in all languages of the

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الاسلام بكل لغات العالم Islam in all languages of the

صدقه جاريه علي روح امي رحمة الله عليه واسكنه فسيح جناته

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» لماذا سمي الدين الإسلامي (بالإسلام) ؟
Messenger messages to the world to convey the message of his letter I_icon_minitimeWed Feb 10, 2016 7:30 am by Hossam Masri

» الشيخ الشعراوى(كيف يحبك الله)
Messenger messages to the world to convey the message of his letter I_icon_minitimeMon Feb 01, 2016 8:26 am by Hossam Masri

» الشيخ الشعراوى.اذا اردت ان يستجيب الله دعاءك
Messenger messages to the world to convey the message of his letter I_icon_minitimeMon Feb 01, 2016 8:20 am by Hossam Masri

» للطمأنينة وهدوء النفس والسعادة .. الشيخ الشعراوي.
Messenger messages to the world to convey the message of his letter I_icon_minitimeMon Feb 01, 2016 8:16 am by Hossam Masri

»  الفيس بوك (( الإسلام بكل لغات العالم )) Islam in all languages of the world
Messenger messages to the world to convey the message of his letter I_icon_minitimeSat May 09, 2015 11:09 am by Hossam Masri

» حدث جلل : ترتيب علامات الساعه الكبرى
Messenger messages to the world to convey the message of his letter I_icon_minitimeThu Feb 19, 2015 7:44 pm by Hossam Masri

» 6 علامات تؤكد حب الله لك
Messenger messages to the world to convey the message of his letter I_icon_minitimeWed Feb 18, 2015 4:54 am by Hossam Masri

» تفسير سورة يوسف للشيخ محمد متولي الشعراوي ١من٢
Messenger messages to the world to convey the message of his letter I_icon_minitimeTue Feb 10, 2015 12:06 pm by Hossam Masri

» تفسيرسورة الذاريات كاملة للشيخ محمد متولي الشعراوي
Messenger messages to the world to convey the message of his letter I_icon_minitimeTue Feb 10, 2015 12:04 pm by Hossam Masri

» تفسيرسورة الرحمن كاملة للشيخ محمد متولي الشعراوي
Messenger messages to the world to convey the message of his letter I_icon_minitimeTue Feb 10, 2015 12:02 pm by Hossam Masri

» تفسيرسورة الواقعة كاملة للشيخ محمد متولي الشعراوي
Messenger messages to the world to convey the message of his letter I_icon_minitimeTue Feb 10, 2015 11:58 am by Hossam Masri

» الموعظة الحسنة مبروك عطية
Messenger messages to the world to convey the message of his letter I_icon_minitimeSat Jan 31, 2015 9:11 am by Hossam Masri

» أتحداك اذا لم تدمع عيناك . قصة وفاة الرسول
Messenger messages to the world to convey the message of his letter I_icon_minitimeWed Jan 28, 2015 9:34 am by Hossam Masri

»  فيلم وثائقي يشرح حياة الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم
Messenger messages to the world to convey the message of his letter I_icon_minitimeWed Jan 28, 2015 8:54 am by Hossam Masri

» بالفيديو.. اللاعب الألمانى دانى بلوم يعتنق الإسلام
Messenger messages to the world to convey the message of his letter I_icon_minitimeTue Jan 27, 2015 1:53 am by Hossam Masri

» د.عُمر عبد الكافي - محاضرة - وجاء الاسلام
Messenger messages to the world to convey the message of his letter I_icon_minitimeSun Jan 25, 2015 6:06 pm by Hossam Masri

» الآباء والمراهقون .. تجارب عملية
Messenger messages to the world to convey the message of his letter I_icon_minitimeSun Jan 25, 2015 10:22 am by Hossam Masri

» مشكلات المراهقة وعلاجها
Messenger messages to the world to convey the message of his letter I_icon_minitimeSun Jan 25, 2015 10:19 am by Hossam Masri

» المراهقة: خصائص المرحلة ومشكلاتها
Messenger messages to the world to convey the message of his letter I_icon_minitimeSun Jan 25, 2015 10:17 am by Hossam Masri

» كيف تعاملين ابنتك المراهقة..
Messenger messages to the world to convey the message of his letter I_icon_minitimeSun Jan 25, 2015 10:13 am by Hossam Masri

» الاسلام والاعاقة العقلية
Messenger messages to the world to convey the message of his letter I_icon_minitimeSun Jan 25, 2015 10:06 am by Hossam Masri

» الخمر والمخدرات افة المجتمع
Messenger messages to the world to convey the message of his letter I_icon_minitimeSun Jan 25, 2015 10:01 am by Hossam Masri

» الدمج والتاهيل المهنى لذوى الاعاقة
Messenger messages to the world to convey the message of his letter I_icon_minitimeSun Jan 25, 2015 9:59 am by Hossam Masri

» غريزة الشهوة والمراهقة وطرق التربية الجنسية الصحيحة
Messenger messages to the world to convey the message of his letter I_icon_minitimeSun Jan 25, 2015 9:54 am by Hossam Masri

» MoreThan 69 Miracles of ISLAM, that none can Deny .
Messenger messages to the world to convey the message of his letter I_icon_minitimeMon Jan 19, 2015 9:17 pm by Hossam Masri

»  معجزة الشفاء
Messenger messages to the world to convey the message of his letter I_icon_minitimeMon Jan 19, 2015 8:10 pm by Hossam Masri

» وعد النبي محمد (ص) للمسيحيين
Messenger messages to the world to convey the message of his letter I_icon_minitimeMon Jan 19, 2015 8:02 pm by Hossam Masri

» الخمر واللذة.. ونفس الداعية
Messenger messages to the world to convey the message of his letter I_icon_minitimeMon Jan 19, 2015 7:57 pm by Hossam Masri

»  نزاهة العمل الخيرى
Messenger messages to the world to convey the message of his letter I_icon_minitimeMon Jan 19, 2015 7:53 pm by Hossam Masri

» نصيحة محب
Messenger messages to the world to convey the message of his letter I_icon_minitimeMon Jan 19, 2015 7:49 pm by Hossam Masri

» همسة فى أُذن الشباب
Messenger messages to the world to convey the message of his letter I_icon_minitimeMon Jan 19, 2015 7:46 pm by Hossam Masri

» الإنسانية قبل التدين الحبيب على الجفرى
Messenger messages to the world to convey the message of his letter I_icon_minitimeMon Jan 19, 2015 7:43 pm by Hossam Masri

» الأسئلة العشرة.. إلى فلاسفتنا ومثقفينا
Messenger messages to the world to convey the message of his letter I_icon_minitimeMon Jan 19, 2015 7:40 pm by Hossam Masri

» يا شيخ.. أختلف مع حضرتك
Messenger messages to the world to convey the message of his letter I_icon_minitimeMon Jan 19, 2015 12:49 pm by Hossam Masri

» أوقفوا الكراهية
Messenger messages to the world to convey the message of his letter I_icon_minitimeMon Jan 19, 2015 12:46 pm by Hossam Masri

» الفرق بين المسلم والإسلامى
Messenger messages to the world to convey the message of his letter I_icon_minitimeMon Jan 19, 2015 12:40 pm by Hossam Masri

» اللحية والجلباب
Messenger messages to the world to convey the message of his letter I_icon_minitimeMon Jan 19, 2015 12:36 pm by Hossam Masri

» كن صادقاً-----
Messenger messages to the world to convey the message of his letter I_icon_minitimeMon Jan 19, 2015 12:30 pm by Hossam Masri

» فقط للعقلاء
Messenger messages to the world to convey the message of his letter I_icon_minitimeMon Jan 19, 2015 12:25 pm by Hossam Masri

»  كلمة التوحيد وإسلام الأمم السابقة
Messenger messages to the world to convey the message of his letter I_icon_minitimeMon Jan 19, 2015 11:30 am by Hossam Masri

» الحلقة الثالثة : قصص الانسان فى القران "اصحاب الاخدود"
Messenger messages to the world to convey the message of his letter I_icon_minitimeMon Jan 19, 2015 10:09 am by Hossam Masri

» "الحلقة الثانية: قصص الانسان فى القران "اصحاب الاخدود
Messenger messages to the world to convey the message of his letter I_icon_minitimeMon Jan 19, 2015 10:07 am by Hossam Masri

»  قصص الانسان فى القران قصة اصحاب الاخدود
Messenger messages to the world to convey the message of his letter I_icon_minitimeMon Jan 19, 2015 10:05 am by Hossam Masri

» Did Islam spread by the sword?
Messenger messages to the world to convey the message of his letter I_icon_minitimeSun Jan 18, 2015 1:23 am by Hossam Masri

»  الدليل المصور الموجز لفهم الإسلام
Messenger messages to the world to convey the message of his letter I_icon_minitimeSun Jan 18, 2015 1:18 am by Hossam Masri

» Salat - Prayer? Or What? How? When?
Messenger messages to the world to convey the message of his letter I_icon_minitimeSun Jan 18, 2015 1:12 am by Hossam Masri

» الآن! عرف اصدقاءك بالاسلام هذه الصفحة مخصصة لمساعدة أصدقائكم من غير المسلمين عن طريقكم بدعوتهم إلى التعرف على الإسلام بأحد السُبل والخيارات التالية:
Messenger messages to the world to convey the message of his letter I_icon_minitimeSun Jan 18, 2015 1:05 am by Hossam Masri

» Ceux qui ont cru et n’ont point entaché leur foi de quelque polythéisme
Messenger messages to the world to convey the message of his letter I_icon_minitimeSun Jan 18, 2015 1:01 am by Hossam Masri

» Guide du converti musulman: Ta foi (Allah, Anges, Livres, Prophètes, Jour dernier et destin)
Messenger messages to the world to convey the message of his letter I_icon_minitimeSun Jan 18, 2015 12:59 am by Hossam Masri

» የ ነብያቺን ሳላላሁ አለይህ ዋሳላም ስራ (ህይወት ታሪክ)ክፍል አስራ ሁለት
Messenger messages to the world to convey the message of his letter I_icon_minitimeSun Jan 18, 2015 12:47 am by Hossam Masri

» የ ነብያቺን ሳላላሁ አለይህ ዋሳላም ስራ (ህይወት ታሪክ)ክፍል አስራ ሰባት
Messenger messages to the world to convey the message of his letter I_icon_minitimeSun Jan 18, 2015 12:44 am by Hossam Masri

» Seerah 4- Characteristics of thé Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him)
Messenger messages to the world to convey the message of his letter I_icon_minitimeSun Jan 18, 2015 12:40 am by Hossam Masri

» Seerah 3 - Characteristics of the Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him)
Messenger messages to the world to convey the message of his letter I_icon_minitimeSun Jan 18, 2015 12:36 am by Hossam Masri

»  Seerah 2 - Characteristics of the Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him)
Messenger messages to the world to convey the message of his letter I_icon_minitimeSun Jan 18, 2015 12:31 am by Hossam Masri

» Seerah 1 - Characteristics of the Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him)
Messenger messages to the world to convey the message of his letter I_icon_minitimeSat Jan 17, 2015 11:57 pm by Hossam Masri

» أقوال المشاهير في محمد بن عبد الله prophet mohammed
Messenger messages to the world to convey the message of his letter I_icon_minitimeFri Jan 16, 2015 3:33 pm by Hossam Masri

» كيف أنصف الغرب الإسلام والرسول الكريم.. علماء غربيون ومستشرقون شهدوا بعظمة النبى محمد وسماحته.. الأمريكى مايكل هارت اختاره على رأس قائمة أهم 100 شخصية مؤثرة فى التاريخ.. و"لامارتين": عبقريته لا تقارن
Messenger messages to the world to convey the message of his letter I_icon_minitimeFri Jan 16, 2015 3:30 pm by Hossam Masri

» غضب عارم بالعالم الإسلامى من رسومات "شارلى إبدو" المسيئة للرسول.. تؤجج مشاعر الكراهية وتتحدى مشاعر المسلمين..
Messenger messages to the world to convey the message of his letter I_icon_minitimeFri Jan 16, 2015 3:19 pm by Hossam Masri

» Does God know future?
Messenger messages to the world to convey the message of his letter I_icon_minitimeMon Jan 12, 2015 4:40 am by Hossam Masri

» Knowing Allah through His creations
Messenger messages to the world to convey the message of his letter I_icon_minitimeMon Jan 12, 2015 4:37 am by Hossam Masri

» Belief (Iman) in Allah Almighty
Messenger messages to the world to convey the message of his letter I_icon_minitimeMon Jan 12, 2015 4:22 am by Hossam Masri

» الإيمان بالله تعالى
Messenger messages to the world to convey the message of his letter I_icon_minitimeMon Jan 12, 2015 4:20 am by Hossam Masri

» La foi en Dieu
Messenger messages to the world to convey the message of his letter I_icon_minitimeMon Jan 12, 2015 4:19 am by Hossam Masri

» Qui est Allah؟
Messenger messages to the world to convey the message of his letter I_icon_minitimeMon Jan 12, 2015 4:17 am by Hossam Masri

» バイブルによるイエス神格性の否定(7/7):神とイエスは二つの異なる存在である
Messenger messages to the world to convey the message of his letter I_icon_minitimeMon Jan 12, 2015 4:15 am by Hossam Masri

»  ‫لماذا خلق الله الشيطان؟ للشيخ الشعراوى‬‎
Messenger messages to the world to convey the message of his letter I_icon_minitimeMon Jan 12, 2015 4:12 am by Hossam Masri

» كيف تكون مستجاب الدعاء...... الشعراوى.
Messenger messages to the world to convey the message of his letter I_icon_minitimeMon Jan 12, 2015 4:00 am by Hossam Masri

» علاج القلق والخوف ووسوسة الشيطان..للشيخ الشعراوى
Messenger messages to the world to convey the message of his letter I_icon_minitimeMon Jan 12, 2015 3:59 am by Hossam Masri

» وصفة الشيخ الشعراوي للتغلب على الشهوات
Messenger messages to the world to convey the message of his letter I_icon_minitimeMon Jan 12, 2015 3:58 am by Hossam Masri

» هكذا كان محمد الأب.. والسيد العابد هكذا كان محمد الأب.. والسيد العابد
Messenger messages to the world to convey the message of his letter I_icon_minitimeSun Jan 11, 2015 12:43 pm by Hossam Masri

» حقيقة ليلة القدر التي أخفتها وكالة ناسا منذ 10سنوات حتى لايسلم العالم!
Messenger messages to the world to convey the message of his letter I_icon_minitimeSun Jan 11, 2015 12:13 pm by Hossam Masri

» Dr. Brown amazing Story - أعجوبة جعلت أشهر طبيب بأمريكا يتحول من الإلحاد إلى الإسلام
Messenger messages to the world to convey the message of his letter I_icon_minitimeSat Jan 10, 2015 8:10 am by Hossam Masri

» هذا هو الإسلام الحقيقي | The Real Islam
Messenger messages to the world to convey the message of his letter I_icon_minitimeSat Jan 10, 2015 8:07 am by Hossam Masri

» \\\\\\\\\\\\ محمد رسول الله صل الله عليه وسلم) Muhammad is the messenger of Allah peace be upon him)
Messenger messages to the world to convey the message of his letter I_icon_minitimeTue Jan 06, 2015 4:10 am by Hossam Masri

» طالبة أمريكية مسلمة جعلت قسيسا يتخبط من سؤال واحد-A question by a student made a priest mumble
Messenger messages to the world to convey the message of his letter I_icon_minitimeTue Jan 06, 2015 2:43 am by Hossam Masri

» على طريق الله الشيطان - مصطفى حسني
Messenger messages to the world to convey the message of his letter I_icon_minitimeSun Jan 04, 2015 2:38 am by Hossam Masri

» فيديو هيغير حياتك لو شوفته بجد
Messenger messages to the world to convey the message of his letter I_icon_minitimeSun Jan 04, 2015 2:32 am by Hossam Masri

» معجزة الشفاء
Messenger messages to the world to convey the message of his letter I_icon_minitimeSun Jan 04, 2015 1:53 am by Hossam Masri

» أهل الجنة - الحلقة - المتفائل - مصطفى حسني
Messenger messages to the world to convey the message of his letter I_icon_minitimeSun Jan 04, 2015 1:45 am by Hossam Masri

» Fragen und Antworten zum Islam
Messenger messages to the world to convey the message of his letter I_icon_minitimeSun Jan 04, 2015 1:42 am by Hossam Masri

» Fragen und Antworten zum Islam
Messenger messages to the world to convey the message of his letter I_icon_minitimeSun Jan 04, 2015 1:42 am by Hossam Masri

» Fragen und Antworten zum Islam
Messenger messages to the world to convey the message of his letter I_icon_minitimeSun Jan 04, 2015 1:42 am by Hossam Masri

» كيف تكون عبدا صالحا - صالح المغامسي
Messenger messages to the world to convey the message of his letter I_icon_minitimeFri Jan 02, 2015 7:06 pm by Hossam Masri

» كنوز حسن الظن بالله - صالح المغامسي
Messenger messages to the world to convey the message of his letter I_icon_minitimeFri Jan 02, 2015 7:04 pm by Hossam Masri

» الكنز المفقود حسن الظن بالله
Messenger messages to the world to convey the message of his letter I_icon_minitimeFri Jan 02, 2015 7:03 pm by Hossam Masri

» من ترك شيئا لله عوضه الله خيرا منه
Messenger messages to the world to convey the message of his letter I_icon_minitimeFri Jan 02, 2015 7:01 pm by Hossam Masri

» أهل الجنة الراضي - مصطفى حسني
Messenger messages to the world to convey the message of his letter I_icon_minitimeFri Jan 02, 2015 6:58 pm by Hossam Masri

» على طريق الله - - الأمل في الله - مصطفى حسني
Messenger messages to the world to convey the message of his letter I_icon_minitimeFri Jan 02, 2015 6:56 pm by Hossam Masri

» أحبك ربي - - الصلاة - مصطفى حسني
Messenger messages to the world to convey the message of his letter I_icon_minitimeFri Jan 02, 2015 6:55 pm by Hossam Masri

»  للطلاب عن الامتحانات والمذاكرة
Messenger messages to the world to convey the message of his letter I_icon_minitimeFri Jan 02, 2015 6:54 pm by Hossam Masri




    Messenger messages to the world to convey the message of his letter

    اذكروا الله
    اذكروا الله
    العبد لله مدير المنتدي
    العبد لله مدير المنتدي

    عدد المساهمات : 1032
    نقاط : 2678
    الموقع :

    Messenger messages to the world to convey the message of his letter Empty Messenger messages to the world to convey the message of his letter

    Post by اذكروا الله Sat May 22, 2010 10:31 am

    Messenger messages to the world to convey the message of his letter
    In the name of God the Merciful
    Messages Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him and the leaders of the United
    It was divine by the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him is the Messenger of all consignments of local call his people
    But the message of the Messenger of Allah was to the whole world [We sent thee not all of the people and usher in a warning, but most people do not know] (Saba: 28)
    Then headed to the Prophet Mohammed, peace to the International Service for the communication of the Islamic message, after Khudaibiya. To call upon the nations and peoples to introduce them to the letter as a general all nations and peoples in the world as a whole, while all the previous messages concerned with the nations, God sent to only
    The empires and great powers at the time adjacent to the Arabian Peninsula is the following: Romanian Empire, Persian Empire, Ethiopia, Egypt.
    The Holy Prophet in order to approach the reporting of the leaders of the four global empires through letters sent to the leaders of those empires. In those communications, he noted peace be upon him, to those leaders, to publicize the dawn of the emergence of the Islamic Call, also called on them to faith in the oneness of God, and that the Messenger of God to them and to all the world and corrected them the true message of Christ.
    Meditate and the lyrics of these messages as a method of touching humanity has not seen her parallel in history, even to this day.
    Did not threaten the prophet of doom and destruction, the enormity of things, that the rejection of those leaders the content of his message. But order and peace be upon him, to sing the words (Tip) in his letter to the Negus.
    The other three in his letters to Hercules, and Cyrus the fractions, it was explained by the peace and blessings of their people that they sin, that they rejected his appeal, then, that when self Lord and not when the Muslim forces, or in military battles on the ground.
    Messenger was able to reach an invitation to the unification of the Kingdom of Persia, through the letter sent to the fractions. Means that the message of Islam to non-Muslims, begins and ends by calling for peaceful dialogue, not violence and the sword.
    This means, that this method to propagate, and that did not result in the Declaration of acceptance by Hercules, it has contributed to a large extent, in the creation of a mental shock, and dogmatic at Hercules.
    It also created controversy among the entourage of Hercules, and the miracle that these empires had wanted to have God to be Muslim countries calling of the Apostle, and that the Prophet's death open Sell these empires to prevent the domination of the Roman invaders to the Levant and Egypt later.

    The miracle is in getting the message that the country which will come to know Islam and the Prophet so:
    Abu Dhar and may God be pleased with him said, "The Messenger of Allah peace be upon him: Narrated by Muslim.
    The scholars said: the fact that the uterus in which they have migrated or Ismail them.
    And : Maria, or the fact that Ibrahim son of the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him them.
    Modern No.:
    1785 - I am God or in the book of the Seal of the Prophets and Adam Mnagdl in the mud and I will tell the interpretation of so I call my father Abraham, Bichara Issa my vision of my mother felt that, when put that out light lit up the deficiencies Sham as well as the mothers of the prophets they see.
    [The messenger is only the communication and God knows what you reveal and what ye hide] (table: 99)
    [Say: O people, I am the Messenger of Allah to you all to whom belongs the heavens and the earth is no god but He gives life and death, believe in Allah and His Messenger, the unlettered Prophet who believes in God and his words and followed him, that ye may guide yourselves;] (custom: 158)
    [I have sent down signs that make things manifest: and Allah guides whom He wills to a straight path] (Light: 46)
    [Had your Lord willed to secure the land, all of them thou then compel people until they are believers] (Younis: 99)
    [O ye who believe, you yourself do not harm you if strayed from Guided to God your return, all the truth of what you did] (table: 105)
    55 - God promised you who believe and do good deeds Istkhalafnhm the Revelation to those before them and debating to their religion are acceptable for themselves and their Ibdlnhm security after their fear worship Me, not associating me something and whoever disbelieves after this, they are the transgressors
    [It is Who sent His Messenger with Guidance and the Religion of Truth, to proclaim it over all religion, however much the idolaters] (repentance: 33)
    Of the Book of Isaiah,:
    (Predicted that Khalid Waleed, called the "sword of God Consumptive" will overcome all of the corresponding armies have fought both the Roman and Persian empires and beat them):
    13 inspired the one hand, the Arab countries: in the forest in the Arab countries Etbitin O Alddanyen convoys. 14 Bring water to meet the thirsty, O inhabitants of the land Taima. Lavoie and fugitive Boukbzh. 15 in front of the swords they had fled. In front of the sword and bow in front of tight and to the severity of the war. 16 it is thus said to me,: «in a year as a year employee exhausted all the glory of Kedar and the rest 17 the number of hardened heroes built Kedar is reduced because the Lord God of Israel has spoken».

    The beginning of messages:
    Imam al-Sheikh Muhammad Abu Zahra, Allah's mercy in his book "Seal of the Prophets": "Scientists have agreed curriculum and books; to send to the kings and princes was then Hudaybiyah and before the opening of Mecca. Then he says: "And we choose also to some of the messages was after elimination age before the Battle of Mutah was narrated by Muslim in his Saheeh from Anas ibn Maalik that the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him was written before the Muta to Chosroes, Caesar and the Negus and to every tyrant, to invite them to Islam."

    The Dr Mohammed Saeed Ramadan Al Bouti, in his book "Fiqh Biography" quoted by Ibn Sa'd in classes that the Messenger peace be upon him came back from Hudaybiyah in Dhu al-Hijjah year six of the migration, he sent messages to kings inviting them to Islam, and wrote them books, it was said: O Messenger of Allah, the Kings do not read the book but sealed, take the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him that day a ring of silver engraving three lines of Muhammad is the messenger of God, and seal the books by, and went out of six group in one day, in Muharram seven of migration, and each man among them, speaking the words of the people who sent them.

    The Abu Zahra, said that the total messages Prophet peace be upon him seven, namely:
    - Letter to Heraclius the ruler of the Roman.
    - Letter to Chosroes King of Persia.
    - Letter to Negus, the king of Abyssinia.
    - Letter to Cyrus the Great of the Copts.
    - Letter to Ben Warner equated the King of Bahrain.
    - Letter to my son Julanda king of Oman.
    - Letter to Ben Ali's Hozp Yamama.

    His blessings of Allaah be upon him and handed over to the king of Abyssinia
    Was the first mission of the Messenger of Allah is the Amr ibn al-Damari illiteracy to the Negus, Negus took the Book of Allah and put it in the eye, and fell from his bed, he sat on the ground then he became modest and has the right testimony and said: if I could I approached him coming, to.
    Message Body:
    In the name of God the Merciful, from Muhammad the Messenger of Allah to the Negus Alockm the king of Abyssinia, it was recognized you, I thank God that there is no god but He, the King, the Holy Faith, the Guardian and I bear witness that Jesus is the son of Mary, the Spirit of God and His Word, the Virgin Mary good bunker came to bear it, his creation of the soul, and puff as the creation of Adam in his hand, and I invite you to Allah alone with no partner, and loyalty to Him, and follow me and believe in Him who came to me Therefore, I Messenger of Allah, I invite you and your soldiers for Allah the Almighty has reached and advised piled my advice, and peace be upon those who follow guidance.
    Responded Negus and announced his conversion to Islam and sent a message back to the Holy Prophet, and when he read the message on the ears of the Holy Prophet, he said his most Sayings: Let what Trkkm Abyssinia.

    This means, that the Prophet left the Kingdom of Abyssinia, after that the safest own, without any integration between them and the State of Muslims, but without any modification in the structure of institutions of the kingdom.

    His peace be upon him to Emperor Heraclius:
    And the Messenger of Allah Dahyah bin Khalifa al-Kalbi to Hercules rum, pushing the Dahyah book apostle to a great visual, and from there to Hercules, and he read Hercules and after reading the book told a gathering of his nobles and his people: "O Roman Are you the farmer and the majority and prove to you yours and follow what he said Jesus son of Mary?
    Roman said: What is that, O king? He said: you follow this Arab Prophet, Vhasoa Haysa zebras, and Tnadzoa and raised the Cross, when he saw Hercules that have despaired of Islam and is afraid of himself and his kingdom, Vskthm and said: but I tell you what I said to Ochtbarakm and to see how Slapetkm in your religion, I've seen you that I love, they fell prostrate him.
    Consulted Hercules One insider on the scriptures, and the priests, the upside to him that Muhammad is the Prophet expected, the Hercules of the limits the canine messenger to him,: and God that I know that your friend a prophet, and that we were waiting, and we find in our books, but I am afraid Roman myself, but not followed for
    Message Body:
    In the name of God the Merciful, from Muhammad the Messenger of Allah to the great Roman Hercules, Peace be upon those who follow true guidance, but after publicity I invite you to Islam, Aslam received Iwtk Zawahri twice, I took the Alorisien you sin, and (O People of the Book Come to common terms between us and you only worship God does not only involve the thing does not take each other's heads without God, they turn away, say Muslim witness, Szczecin
    Waaqidi narrated that the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him wrote a letter to Harith bin Abi fennel Ghassani, with a brave bin Wahab, and reproducing. The resent-Harith did not agree on Islam and the mobilization of his troops to march to the city, but Hercules and invited him to enter Ailia - Jerusalem

    His peace be upon him to the Persian king Chosroes:
    The prophet sent Abdullah bin flywheel to Chosroes call him to Islam and sent him a book, said: "I paid him the book Vqrye him, and then taking it and torn, and when he reached the Prophet of God said:" Tore God the queen, then wrote fractions to the Adhan worker in Yemen to send two men Jlden to this men, and wrote to him with them a book, Vkdma the city and pushed the book Adhan to the Prophet, and admit the Messenger of Allah said: Ardjaa me Iomkma this until Totiyanj tomorrow Vokbarakma what I want, Fjaouah tomorrow, he said the prophet for them: told Sahbkma The Lord had been killed Lord fractions of this night for seven hours of them, and that God highlighted by his son, killing him Ceroyh Faraga to Adhan thus became Muslim children who is in Yemen.
    Message Body:
    In the name of God the Merciful, from Muhammad the Messenger of Allah to Chosroes great Faris, Peace be upon those who follow true guidance and believes in Allah and His Messenger, and I bear witness that there is no god but Allah alone with no partner and that Muhammad is His slave and Messenger, I invite you publicized God, I am the Messenger of God to all people to warn of was alive and entitled to say the unbelievers, the safest received, you must sleep in the sin of the Magi.

    Reply to the letter the position of fractions is indicated by his hatred and hatred of Islam, so that the mission of the Prophet tore angrily and arrogance and arrogance. Acetkbarh gone but that I send to the king of Yemen, an ally to him, requesting him, to capture Muhammad and sends it to him, to fractions.
    Did not come from any threat of the Holy Prophet's military response against Chosroes and his kingdom, when the Prophet heard the response fractions. This means very clearly, that the Prophet was interested indoctrinate, as well as not wasting human potential of the Islamic State of the National Islamic.
    Messenger was able to reach an invitation to the unification of the Kingdom of Persia, through the letter sent to the fractions. Means that the message of Islam to non-Muslims, begins and ends by calling for peaceful dialogue, not violence and the sword.

    Prophet Mohammed's message peace be upon him Mqoks the ruler of Egypt:
    Message Body:
    In the name of God the Merciful, from Muhammad the Messenger of God to Cyrus the Great Copts, Peace be upon those who follow true guidance, but after I invite you propaganda of Islam, Aslam received, the safest Iwtk Zawahri twice, I took the sin on you Copts, (People of the Book Come to a word both you and us that we worship none but Allah does not involve the thing does not take each other's heads without God, they turn away, say, witness, Szczecin Muslims.

    Reply Cyrus the Messenger of Allah's book, after several meetings with bin Abi Haatib Balta'ah, bearer of the message to Cyrus the Prophet, who explained through the principles of Islam, the foundations of Cyrus the message of Tawheed, and the prophecy of the Holy Prophet and their implications. Cyrus the books to the Prophet Muhammad with the following message:
    In the name of God the Merciful, the Mohammed bin Abdullah Cyrus the Great Copts, peace be on you, but after I read your book, I understood what you said it, and calls him, has learned that the prophet left, and I thought it went beyond the Levant, and humanity may come to your messenger, and sent Bjarretin you are a great place in the Copts, and clothing, and was awarded to you for putting together a mule, peace to you.

    The response was that Cyrus the treatment of pregnant prophetic message to him, politely, he did not enter into the religion of Islam, as he did not act by threats and intimidation. On the contrary, he expressed his respect for the Messenger, and to call new. And that he knew that the prophet had been maintained and expressed in his letter to the Holy Prophet, also sent a gift of a slave girls, one Mary Coptic, and the courtesy of taking place in that era directory of appreciation and respect.
    We have to deal with the Prophet Muhammad (gift) Muqawqis, the principles of the Islamic Prophet, which is that he married Mary. As married companion Hassan ibn Thabit, the current second, and Shirin.
    This response to the gift from al-Mohammadi, represents the peak of the humanitarian deal, which embodies the greatness of Islamic principles in the earthly life.
    Prophet Muhammad did not deal with Mary the Coptic, the treatment of fun, or (gift). But introduced to the proportion, and gave his name to make it holy, while his wife, as did Hassan ibn Thabit, with the ongoing second.

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